Adding an Environmental Incident

Navigating to Add an Incident

Use the ‘Add’ button above the table on the overview page

Use the ‘Add Event’ option on the left navigation menu

Event Form - Key Features

Completing Section 2 - Company Involved

Select the type of ‘Company Involved’ from the options provided
If the ‘Company Involved’ is a subcontractor then use the 'Search' field first to check for existing records on Onos.
The clear option can be used if the wrong subcontractor has been selected.
If the ‘Company Involved’ does not have a record on Onos, then enter their name in the text field at the bottom. A new record will be created on saving the form.

Completing Section 6 - Sign

The signature capture field can be completed using a mouse, track-pad cursor or on a touch-enabled device (phone or tablet).
Signatures are locked in after the form has been saved and can no longer be edited.